
H. Kiiski & N.Vatanen 『Archive Play』(お取り寄せ)

¥3,720 税込



フィンランド写真美術館に寄贈された、アマチュア写真家Helvi Ahonenが生涯撮りためた19世紀の生活や人々の営みを写し込んだ約5000点のネガを、二人の若手写真家・Hertta KiiskiとNiina Vatanenが、それぞれに現代的な新解釈を施して新たに命を吹き込んだ、新しい形の現代美術写真集。新旧の芸術写真がひとつの作品集にまとめられている。二人の写真家が、アーカイブのネガを元に縦横無尽に軽快に自由な表現を満喫している様子が楽しめる。2015年ドイツ写真集賞ノミネート作品。


This book is a playful, tentative and imaginative exploration into the photographic archive as generator of multiple meanings and plentiful source of inspiration.
The bodies of work, Present (Thank You Helvi Ahonen) by Hertta Kiiski and Archival Studies / A Portrait of an Invisible Woman by Niina Vatanen, were created as a response to the Helvi Ahonen collection, housed at the Finnish Museum of Photography. The 5,000 negatives that make up the original collection tell a touching story about the amateur photographer Helvi Ahonen’s life, with all its joys and sorrows.
Archive Play is a joint effort between the curator Mirjami Schuppert and the artists Hertta Kiiski and Niina Vatanen. While it is a culmination of an intensive research and collaboration project, the documentation of the exhibition Glimpses of the Unattainable (Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, spring 2014), it also is an independent work on its own. To accompany the photographs, a further interpretative layer is created by a fictional story written by Monika Fagerholm, an esteemed Finnish author.

■仕  様: ハードカバー
■判  型: 170 × 225 mm
■ページ数: 80ページ
■図 版数: 31点
■言  語: 英語
■ISBN   :  978-3-86828-477-5


Hertta Kiiski , Niina Vatanen
170 × 225 mm
80 pages and 31 photos
ISBN 978-3-86828-477-5

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¥3,720 税込

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