
Anja Schlamann 『Encanto』(お取り寄せ)

¥5,590 税込





Shortly before his conversion uses Anja Schlamann (1967) in her photo series Encanto the entire opera house in Cologne as a unique architectural stage. Fragmentary it displays both representative areas as well as the public hidden rooms behind the stage, let the laconic and full details see traces of a 60-year-old theater life.
The sober look at the space obtained by the surprisingly recurring presence of the character Carmen a momentary level. It shows fluently and transparent, full of emotional richness and magic. About this theatrical role played the viewer's gaze is directed into the soul of rooms: Carmen as a player, sorceress, Ambassador and mediator between the worlds. It's like a staging off stage, in which the art world opera unfolds in a hitherto unheard of, soundless original state, as they tell their own story. The photographer is director and actress in a person. She uses the reciprocal match to the view between audience and actor. The wonderfully mysterious appearance at the Opera House is modeled into an independent image.

■出  版: Rolf Sachsse
■刊  行: 2014年
■仕  様: ハードカバー
■判  型: 240 × 195 mm
■ページ数: 80ページ
■図 版数: 36点(カラー)
■言  語: ドイツ語 / 英語
■ISBN   : 978-3-86828-489-8


Publisher: Rolf Sachsse
Authors: Gunter Geltinger, Rolf Sachsse
Artist: Anja Schlamann
Designed by Kehrer Design Heidelberg; Bartel Design Cologne
240 × 195 mm
80 pages
36 color illustrations.
German / English
ISBN 978-3-86828-489-8

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¥5,590 税込

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