
Matthew Arnold 『Topography is Fate』(お取り寄せ)

¥8,970 税込




Matthew Arnold は、1972年生まれで現在ニューヨーク在住。一見すると、きれいな砂漠の風景写真にみえるこれらの写真は、実はチュニジア・エジプト・リビアなどの、第二次世界大戦下の「北アフリカ戦線」の戦地を撮影したもの。2013年に戦後70周年を迎えながらも、忘れられたこの砂漠の戦場を、古い戦争用の地図を用いながら辿ってゆき、まだ生々しく残る不発弾や地雷を避けながら、戦火に燃えたその乾いた地形を淡々とカメラに抑えていった。「TOPOGRAPHY IS FATE」にて2013年MFAボストン奨学金を受賞。


Matthew Arnold spent months in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya to photograph these unfamiliar North African landscapes upon which many crucial battles in the North African Campaign (June 1940 to May 1943) were fought. The sites were found utilizing old battle maps to follow the paths that the Allied military units used. Arnold has documented the battlefields as they currently stand in a personal style of landscape photography: impressionistic muted horizons of desert, coastal seascape and grassland, incorporating bunkers, trenches and physical artifacts of the conflict that remain as part of the environment.Unexploded shells, barbed wire and mines still litter the landscapes of North Africa and occasionally claim yet another victim, as if the very land itself is reminding us of the tragedy of war. May 2013 is the 70th anniversary of the end of the North African Campaign.
Matthew Arnold (b. 1972) is a photographer living in New York City. After college he taught offset lithography and digital imaging as an adjunct professor at The School of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston. Arnold was awarded the 2013 MFA Boston Traveling Fellowship for for this project.

■刊  行: 2013年
■仕  様: ハードカバー
■判  型: 297 × 240 mm
■ページ数: 176ページ
■図 版数: 79点(カラー)
■言  語: 英語
■ISBN   : 978-3-86828-404-1


Designed by Matthew Arnold
297 × 240 mm
176 pages
79 color ills.
ISBN 978-3-86828-404-1

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¥8,970 税込

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